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08 September 2010

Who's actually fanning the flames here?

"Obscure"... "little known?" --

Well, he was... until the mainstream media whores turned him into worldwide front page news...
-- MIAMI -- An obscure U.S. Christian pastor whose plan to burn copies of the Koran on Sept. 11 has sparked an international outcry said on Wednesday he will still go ahead with the event despite U.S. official warnings it will endanger American troops in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Pastor Terry Jones, leader of a tiny, little-known Protestant church in Gainesville, Florida, which openly campaigns against what it calls "radical Islam," is facing a barrage of calls from U.S. government, military and religious leaders, and from abroad, to cancel his plans to publicly burn Islam's holy book.

"We are still determined to do it, yes," Jones told the CBS "Early Morning" show.
Let's face it folks... you couldn't go out and buy publicity like this.

Without all this media attention... this guy would still just be rantin' ol' Rev Terry. The media created this dragon... with the express purpose of slaying him on national television.

Even Time magazine, which acknowledges this guy is a nobody... insists on it's micro-gram of flesh...
"Jones' shrinking congregation, which has fewer than 50 members..."
Looks like things may have backfired a little.

Professional journalists... your intellectual & ethical betters.


RELATED: My beads are holier...

...than your beads...
The Koran, is essentially a crystallization of the tribal practices and myths of militarily successful 7th-century Bedouin Arab tribes.
Maybe they're on to something here. How 'bout we wind things back to those good ol' Anglo-Saxon days.

Perhaps King Alfred had it right. How will we know if we don't try it?


LAST WORD: That's some Religion of Peace
-- KABUL, Afghanistan -- Hundreds of angry Afghans burned a U.S. flag and chanted "Death to the Christians" on Thursday to protest plans by a small American church to torch copies of the Muslim holy book on the anniversary of the Sept. 11 terror attacks.