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14 September 2010

What's next, Gomer... tales of anal probing?

Al-Qaeda... nope... Tamil Tigers... yeah, as if...
"Look, it's an extremist group," Liberal House leader David McGuinty said. --
And apparently... they've brainwashed our Prime Minister. Yeah... this is, for sure, the guys I want tugging on the levers of political power.

Uh, Dave darling... maybe you'd better stay in the alien-abduction end of the pool.


RELATED: Spanked & sent to bed
Welcome to the pros, Mr. Ignatieff. Enjoy your time, because if this goes wrong for you, like Bull Durham, you won't last long in the show.

UPDATE: More ingenuous CBC tricks

It's not just old news recycled... it's not true...
When I heard about the NRA story, I thought it could be interesting. It would be fascinating if the NRA were organizing people in Timmins to defeat NDP MP Charlie Angus after he changed his mind on the registry.

Instead CBC rehashed old news.
Old news that was total bullshit.