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05 September 2010

Same Planet, Different worlds

Disaster relief... check. -- Food bank... check. -- Blood donor clinic... yeah. --

Bloody jihad... hey... wait just a freakin' minute...
"Indeed, every person should according to Islam prepare himself/herself for jihad and every person should eagerly and patiently wait for the day when Allah will call them to show their willingness to sacrifice their lives."
Uh, guys... I think maybe there's a little bit of confusion here... Baghdad's that-a-way.

And speaking of Baghdad... Obama may have "ended the war"... he just forgot about ending the killing...
The fighting came to an end after the two assailants who breached the compound ran out of bullets and detonated their explosives vests, the official said. He spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to reporters.

Two weeks earlier, an al-Qaida-linked suicide bomber waded into a crowd of hundreds of army recruits outside the building and detonated a blast that killed 61 people. That was the deadliest act of violence in Baghdad in months.
Man, what's the word for this kind of crazy-ass thing?

Oh yeah... jihad.


UPDATE: In other "bloody jihad" news
-- LAKKI MARWAT, Pakistan -- A suicide bomber rammed his car into a police station in northwest Pakistan on Monday killing at least 19 people, police said, in a new wave of attacks by al Qaeda- and Taliban-linked militants.