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10 September 2010

Reconsidering the Reconsideration

In other "blood from a stone" news...
It appears Jones was having internal problems because of his stance. His internet service provider has apparently revoked service to him. Jones said this is a violation of his freedom of speech and religion.
It also looks like the battle against Islam is a costly proposition... the Reverend's casualties are currently running about 30 percent.
Moreover, about 15 members of his 50-strong congregation have decided to leave as a result of the controversy.
Stand by to see how we can further trivialise the whole Muslim-Christian issue over the next 48 hours.


UPDATE: Well, that didn't take long

The Globe & Mail decides to get all alliterative on his ass...
jerry springer journalism
After putting the entire planet’s political-military-media complex on orange alert, a publicity-seeking Florida pastor on the outer fringes of Christian thought has chosen to defuse the propagandist time-bomb he himself set.

Or has he?
C'mon guys... the "Pyromaniacal Pastor?"


Did you actually run out of "news" again today?

Let's check in with the media-savants in the nation's capitol...
jerry springer journalism
It is worth noting that pastor Terry Jones and his 30-person church represents a thoroughly marginal influence on the American religious scene.
Except, of course... that this "marginal" matter apparently required the personal intercession of not only the FBI... but St Barack of Washington, DC.

Which also... surprise, surprise... made big blaring headlines.

And the inevitable end result?
Perhaps our professional journalist "betters" need to step back and reconsider who is actually fanning the flames here.


"In the end, that hick didn't even need to burn a Koran. Good job MSM, you just helped to give him everything he wanted and more."