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02 September 2010

No wonder Law School is so expensive...

...there's that operation to remove any last vestige of a conscience...
hang all the lawyers
The Iranian-Canadian accused of a terrorist-bomb conspiracy plans to fight to get “every scrap” of secret evidence amassed against him – a strategy that could delay his trial for years, and possibly even scuttle the case.

This will include details about informants, covert wiretaps, and foreign spy sources used in the probe.
Ol' Bill Shakespeare had it right... "the first thing we do, is hang all the lawyers."
The Crown last year dropped a case against a man whom the government considered a dangerous terrorist after CSIS complained a judge’s order for greater disclosure might compromise its informants and blow the lid off some foreign partnerships.
Whaddaya wanna bet... one of these jihadis actually sets off a bomb and turns a hundred urban socialists into multi-coloured rice-pudding, say... in front of Osgoode Law School... all these militant legal truth-seekers have a miraculous change of heart.


"forwarded to CSIS so they can keep tabs on a political radical with violent online fantasies"
Oh no... Liberal Supporter's siccing secret agents on me.

Whatever will I do?