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08 September 2010

Just sit back and relax Canada...

...the NDP is prepared to do all your thinking for you...
Ah, argue some critics, the problem is that merely making "Fox News North" available to Canadians will expose them to propaganda that could "poison" their minds.

"God help us if the neocons get their own network to bombard Canadians with their outdated ideology," NDP MP Pat Martin fumed earlier this summer. "Can you imagine Ezra Levant ranting at you around the clock?"

Well, Ezra’s ranting can often be quite illuminating, actually. I don’t always agree with him, but he makes you think. What’s wrong with that?

More to the point, however, it’s amazing how little credit Martin and similar critics are prepared to give Canadians to be able to think for themselves, to weigh arguments and decide — on their own — what makes sense.
(h/t reader ed)