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13 September 2010

Just back from the Big Smoke

It's so good to be home.

Jetted down to the Devil's Armpit today with my faithful carbon spewing, tree-eatin' saw... to help out my city-bound brother-in-law.

What a day.

It's always amazing to me how people cope with the Hogtown two-step. I have trouble believing that I was once part of this infernal machine.

I've gotta ask... is there actually any part of the day any more... that doesn't qualify as rush hour? Seriously... I feel like a cow that's been run through a 10 mile cattle chute.

Tronna... you can have it.


RELATED: Mayor's office strangely quiet...

...about which gun club he belonged to...
Toronto detectives are expected to issue an arrest warrant Tuesday for an alleged shoplifter who fired a handgun at a pursuing store security guard at Fairview Mall.

Acting Staff-Sgt. Gary Hutchison said the suspect is known to police and is currently wanted on other outstanding arrest warrants for unspecified acts of violence.
I don't get it... can't they just look him up in the infallible "gun registry."


UPDATE: Oops... maybe not a shoplifter