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08 September 2010

I've been waiting for the "Iggy Gambit"

Sophisticated, metrosexual Globe & Mail takes aim... at Luddite, rural, dumb as dogshit demographic...
country bumpkins**********

FROM THE COMMENTS: More nonsensical troll tears... the compassionate, intellectual left responds...

liberal supporter freaks out**********

RELATED: Paging Bill Blair
-- EDMONTON -- The long-gun registry is an "ill-conceived" waste of cash, says a former high-ranking Mountie, who'd like nothing more than to see it killed.

Keith Thompson, a retired RCMP superintendent who once worked as the emergency response team commander for southern Alberta, joins the growing number of cops and former cops who want to abolish the registry. He says the money could be better spent putting more officers on the street.

"In my various roles, I attended too many scenes of hostage-taking, murder/suicides, barricaded persons, etc., and know of no lives that could have been saved with such a fully functioning registry," he wrote in a recent open letter to Members of Parliament.