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01 September 2010

I say we toss in Elizabeth May and a...

...couple of flashbangs...

Sterilize all humans
Suffice it to say, we hope the police are able to find a way to talk Mr. Lee down from the brink, because it’s unlikely that the Discovery Channel will agree to these … varied …demands.

For those interested in a look into the mind of a disturbed individual, read on.

UPDATE: Yeah, that's our biggest problem...

...those nutjobs from the Tea Party... wait...
He said he was inspired by “Ishmael,” a novel by environmentalist Daniel Quinn and by former vice-president Al Gore's documentary "An Inconvenient Truth."
Oh, that's awkward.

I wonder how the CBC will manage to spin this one.


UPDATE: The moral of the story

Never, ever... bring a tinfoil hat to a gunfight.