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21 September 2010

I saw the pictures and I thought...

...these guys just missed a really, really powerful campaign slogan...
I like that ol' Rocco has a sense of humour and is "incredibly proud of his Italian heritage"... I just think he didn't take it far enough, 'cos with a mug like that, he could've gone with...
"Rocco Rossi: he'll make sure the trains run on time"...
I'm not so sure though... he's sending the right message about fiscal responsibility...
"His campaign said they would spend at least $100,000 on the ad campaign." --
I'm just afraid to actually bring it up with him... in case he sends "Walnuts" Kinsella to make me an offer I can't refuse.


"Appealing to the Italian demographic by making an ad featuring the strongest negative stereotype about Italian people and applying it to the candidate."

"Good job, idiots."
I understand Warren Kinsella is currently trumpeting the ads as a stroke of genius.

Hmmm, here's a thought... try imagine the furore & outrage in the left-o-sphere if someone from the Ford campaign had made even the slightest inference about Rossi being associated with the mob.

Yeah... I know.


LAST WORD: Moody loners with laptops
Much of the column is composed of a sort of reverie in which Mallick describes this hypothetical drunken episode.

She gets back to Ford in the last few paragraphs, but it feels tacked on.