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03 September 2010

Hey, no biggie Faysal...

I hear those SWAT Team guys are pretty laid back... especially, you know... when you're kidding around about guns...
"Phone call was an accident or a prank call. Must have been some big joke that I did not take part of, and all I wanted to do was figure out what happened," Abdiwali told CBC News.

RELATED: Speaking of big jokes
I, like many Canadians, learned of this petition when author and “A-list” cultural nationalist Margaret Atwood announced she had signed it.

Atwood is not the only A-list “celebrity” that has signed.

Dwight Shroot (from The Office), Boba Fett (of Star Wars), Snuffaluffagus (Sesame Street) and Homer Simpson are also signatories. Clearly the CRTC should take note of such distinguished individuals lending their name to this smear job.

This is not the first time Atwood has put her political agenda ahead of principles and patriotism.

In the 2008 election campaign she was asked if she would vote for the separatist Bloc Quebecois if she lived in Quebec, she said: “Yes. Absolutely. What is the alternative?