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09 September 2010

Hang on a sec...

...are we talking about Michael Ignatieff's dream demographic here? --
I am hardly the first pundit to bemoan the lack of Western feminists who’ve shown any interest in this gendered genocide.

Most are too busy denouncing the phallocentricity of free trade and unregistered guns to mourn the killing of 20,000 women every year for the crime of falling in love, having boyfriends, bearing children — which is to say, being human.

That 20,000 figure, by the way, exceeds the total number of Palestinians killed in both Intifadas and the 2008 Gaza conflict combined — a useful factoid to keep in your holster the next time Judy Rebick or Diana Ralph garbs their anti-Israeli bigotry in feminist pink.
Meanwhile... in other "pass the Gray Poupon" news...


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