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16 September 2010

From the guy who brought you... ed for 6 year-olds...
another mcslippery brainwave
Ontario’s Premier says hand-held devices can and should be used as educational tools, creating a fresh debate over cellphones in the classroom and potential headaches for teachers who have been fighting to keep their students’ attention.
I'm not sure I follow Premier McSlippery's logic here.

Neophyte's primary school was equipped, at no small expense, with "Smartboards"... essentially a computer hookup to the internet... controlled by the teacher... that could be projected onto a large screen.

Now Dalton wants to just let kids surf the intertoobs with their Crackberrys during class?

What could possibly go awry there, huh?


"Or as my wife says: "So, he's going to pay their cell phone bills?"