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17 September 2010

The first thing we do... hang all the lawyers, er... judges...
The Ontario Court of Appeal has upheld rulings that said denying two chronic alcoholics long-term support payments would violate the province's Human Rights Code.

The Ontario Disability Support Program had argued over the years the men should be ineligible for benefits because their sole impairment was severe alcoholism.
And now that the precedent has been set... get ready to generously subsidise the lives of every stinking, miserable stumble-bum who ever panhandled you on your way down Yonge St.
It rejected arguments the men should instead collect welfare, which would require them to look for a job and get help with their alcoholism.

Welfare payments would be about half of what recipients receive in long-term disability.
I fear for my country.


PS: Whaddaya figure it'll cost... give every crack-whore in East Van a "disability" pension?