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24 September 2010

And a cry rang out across the land...

.."If it saves just one life"...
register cellphonesFor the love of gawd... when are Jack and Iggy gonna bring in more stringent controls on those dastardly Blackberries -- and I'm not just talking about a stupid ticket...
Distracted deaths as a share of all road fatalities increased from 10.9 per cent to 15.8 per cent from 1999 to 2008, and much of the increase occurred after 2005,” they wrote.

“In 2008, approximately 1 in 6 fatal vehicle collisions resulted from a driver being distracted while driving,” the report said. It found 5,870 people died in accidents attributed to distracted driving.
Obviously, folks... cell phones have killed way more people than my rifles ever will... but I haven't heard a peep outta the Opposition Coalition about dealing with this deadly epidemic.

Let's start with a Cellphone Safety Course... and an ironclad rule that after you get your Telephone Acquisition Certificate these dangerous devices only be transported in the locked trunk of your vehicle.

And again, obviously... we must have a National Communications Devices Registry... to ensure that our Police Forces know what they're walking into every time they do a traffic stop.

Time to beef up the punishments too. In future, anyone caught texting while driving will face a lifetime ban on phone ownership.

C'mon Iggy... Jack... stop the senseless slaughter.

Do it now.