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26 August 2010

Well, Ferruk... I'm guessin' that'd be...

...because they were planning a terrorist attack...
Prominent members of Ottawa’s Muslim community will meet with a team that specializes in defusing police-community tensions to allay fears and explain why the RCMP arrested two men suspected of planning a terrorist attack on Canada.
Uh, you guys are aware that we kinda frown on that whole "bloody jihad" deal, right?

Of course, Ms. Faraqui speaks for all of us Canadians when she asks the big questions...
Ferruk Faraqui, a member of the Canadian Council of Muslim Women, and a board member of the Ottawa Muslim Women’s Organization, said, "You can only wait and hope that when the details emerge, that the arrests were justified.”
Maybe I have lower expectations, Ferruk... I'm just happy this story doesn't involve mass casualties.


UPDATE: Guess they don't quite trust...

...all us infidels...
Salma Siddiqui, the Muslim Canadian Congress's vice-president commended the RCMP. “But we hope that the accused will be tried with due process, the presumption of innocence, and with full guarantees that their constitutional rights will be protected.”
You hope, Salma?

As opposed to what... the Saudi Justice system?