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03 August 2010

Sleep well Julian Assange

Apparently, Wikileaks has still killed more people than all of my guns combined...congrats wikileaks
Over the weekend one tribal elder, Khalifa Abdullah, who the Taliban believed had been in close contact with the Americans, was taken from his home in Monar village, in Kandahar province’s embattled Arghandab district, and executed by insurgent gunmen.

According to Agha Lali, the deputy head of Kandahar’s provincial council, threatening letters have been delivered to 70 elders in Panjwaii district.

“We have made a decision for your death. You have five days to leave Afghan soil. If you don’t, you don’t have the right to complain.”

RELATED: Other "annointed culture warrior" news
"Yes, well, if millions of Canadian voters were CHRT Tribunal Members like Mr. Mendes was, or if they had been hired by a Liberal prime minister as a senior advisor in the Privy Council Office to "handle diversity in the public service," perhaps they might consider the matter of entrenching the back-door powers of the unelected public service as being one of the most important ballot box issues."

"As it stands, they seem to prefer that their government be an elected one."
Thanks anyway, Errol... I'm gonna stick with democracy.