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15 August 2010

Seriously... is this... like... Edmonton, Iran?

I'm thinkin'... it'll be a chilly day in, well... wherever... before this comes to pass...
Arlette Zinck, dean of the faculty of arts at The King’s University College in Edmonton, denied that Mr. Khadr, a devout Muslim facing murder and terrorism charges, had been guaranteed immediate admission at one of Canada’s most Christian colleges.
This report sounds totally off the wall... I mean, there's no way some administrative bigwig would be reaching out to Canada's most infamous jihadi without the full support of her peers and colleagues, right?
“Arlette doesn’t speak on behalf of this institution,” said Ken Schwanke, the university’s director of public relations.
Oooh... that doesn't sound too collegial.

Psssst, Arlette... I hear the Ignatieff campaign is looking for people. And it sounds like you guys might have a lot in common...
Ignatieff dismissed calls that Canada should have followed Australia’s policy on refugees and turned the Tamil refugee boat away.

"This is Canada, not Australia," Ignatieff said. "That means Canada has principles, the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, our international obligations."
You tell 'em, Mikey... freakin Australians... just an "unprincipled" nation of convicts... right?