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05 August 2010

Remember when you were a kid...

...and bodies just used to fall outta the sky?

-- Yeah, me neither. --
falling bodiesHang on a sec... she just fell?
Police went to a 19th-floor unit and then to an apartment on the 11th floor where they found a massage parlour and a woman who was screaming on the balcony, police alleged.

Officers had to break a door to enter the balcony but failed to stop a man from ALLEGEDLY “throwing” a woman over the railing, police said.
Oh, yeah... that kind of fall.

Thank you, once again, professional journalists.


RELATED: Weasel-iest Words 2010

Yessiree... we have a contender...
"We understand there may be some mental health issues with our suspect."
Translation... he gutted his mom like a fish.