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23 August 2010

"Ozzie and Harriet were spared"

Simply more proof that... there sure are a lot of messed up people in the world...
People were doing crazy things, like they do in wartime," Simmons says. "People were having a lot of sex with people they didn't know. It was just such a crazy time."
Yeah, dumbo... just wait'll the HIV & AIDS numbers start to climb the charts... you don't know from crazy.

But heck, broken families be damned... let's just put a happy face on this one...
The pastor has no doubt that the hurricane was a blessing in disguise. "If Katrina hadn't happened, they would have limped forward for years and years, without [things] coming to a head."

"The storm sped things up."
Yeah... let's blame it on the weather.

Good grief.