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22 August 2010

Like what, Lizzie...

...your strident & unapologetic cheerleading... for folks who are blowing up our soldiers?
-- TORONTO -- “This is not the same country that I've known. We are seeing changes that are so deeply dangerous and they are fundamental to the very fabric of our democracy, and we must not let that happen,” May said.


UPDATE: What exactly are the Greenies proposing... return us to "the Canada that Lizzie knew"?
The motion called for the party to push to decriminalize “polyamorous” relationships where people are intimately involved and living with more than one partner.

Party members in a workshop session on Saturday voted to send the idea to the full party plenary where everyone could debate and vote on it.

Those who spoke in favour said the party should treat it as a human rights issue, just as they did with same-sex marriage rights.
PS -- Apparently the delegates came to their senses... and voted this one down.

But tell me... honestly... could the Green Party really speak for you?