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25 August 2010

Liberal MP goes with bold, new strategy...

...looks constituents right in the face... calls them morons...
Liberal Wayne Easter from P.E.I. said he happily changed his mind and will now vote to keep the registry. In fact, he never wanted to scrap the registry in the first place, and only voted to do so to, "provoke debate" about the needs of rural Canadians.
I guess that's why the Liberal Party has been supporting all those Conservative budgets, huh.

To provoke debate?


Unfortunately, Wayne... the debate isn't gonna be about rural values... it'll be about what a lying, condescending wiener you are.


I saw the Attorney General for Ontario, Chris Bentley, defending the Gun Registry on the Mother Corpse yesterday.

His compelling arguments: the Police Chiefs say it is good so it must be good and it protects women and children. How or why he clearly didn't know.

A dummy's dummy.
Well, maybe he could try asking a veteran frontline copper.