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17 August 2010

In other "coals to Newcastle" news...

The second largest oil-exporting nation in OPEC is so technologically challenged, it has to import fully one third of its domestic gasoline supplies...
"It seems that people are panicking, and also despite the fact that the government tries to reassure them, the reality is that access to petroleum is not the same as before."
And President McDreamy's not worried about them fooling around with splitting the atom?
"More importantly, by means of this action, Tehran is moving its conflict with the international community into high gear, and [in this case] some may consider the military option to be the best solution."

"Delaying recourse to this option may lead to a point where it is impossible to implement it – if Tehran manages to produce a nuclear bomb of its own."
It's shit or go blind time.


RELATED: Cradle of civilisation...

...not so civilised after all...
Crowds of Egyptians angered by daily power outages at the height of a scorching summer blocked a major highway south of Cairo Wednesday with barricades of burning tires.

The electricity cuts affected Egyptians from the Nile Delta in the north to the ancient temple city of Luxor in the south during a month of daytime fasting for Muslims.
Yeah... not keeping the lights on... that's a dealbreaker for me.