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09 August 2010

The Globe & Mail laments, yet again...

...for po' lil' Omar...terrorist tearsHis f@cking "angst"... seriously???

I could've sworn that "Gone with the Wind" woman died years ago, but... "Ah do declare... ah must be in grievous error."

Well, the good news is... they finally stopped gilding the lily with his grade 8 grad photo.

Now get this legal juggernaut moving on down the track.


UPDATE: Prosecution 1 - Omar 0
Omar Khadr's confessions to interrogators will be heard as evidence in his trial, his military judge has ruled, despite efforts by Mr. Khadr's lawyers to have them suppressed.
Insh'allah, my friend.


COMPARE & CONTRAST: What would Yoko do?
-- BUFFALO, N.Y. -- John Lennon's killer will seek his freedom this week for a sixth time.

A parole hearing for Mark David Chapman, 55, is scheduled at Attica Correctional Facility, the upstate New York prison where he has been held for nearly 30 years.

Lennon's widow, Yoko Ono, said last week she continues to oppose Chapman's release because he remains a potential threat.
Who do you figure is the bigger threat to civil society?

A one-time killer who spent 30 years in jail... or a man who was brought up to make war on western society... and lost his father in that conflict?

Yeah... let's just "Imagine".