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04 August 2010

Canada: Land of eternal forgiveness

Ah, yes... I'm sure he's all set to become a productive model citizen... just like the rest of his family...
“I think this is going to be a new beginning for me in life,” Mr. Khadr said outside court.

“I want to just start anew now. I don't want to think about it anymore.”
Oh Canada.


RELATED: Yeah... nothing to see here
Abdullah Khadr's release Wednesday adds another chapter to the family saga that has seen its patriarch die in a shootout, one son paralyzed after a gun battle and another whose detention continues in a Guantanamo Bay, Cuba prison cell.
Not to worry, though... the Khadrs have their champion...
-- OTTAWA -- Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff said Thursday he raised the case of Canadian Omar Khadr in his meeting with U.S. President Barack Obama at Ottawa International Airport.
Remember folks... friends don't let friends vote Liberal.