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08 July 2010

The way the world really works

What's sauce for the goose...
"The European Court of Human Rights has ordered a halt to the extradition to the US on terror charges of radical cleric Abu Hamza al-Masri." apparently a pre-warmed oven for the Israeli...
"The court did not decide whether Brodsky committed the crime for which he is under investigation, the court only checked whether the extradition request fulfils the formal requirements and whether the suspect is correctly identified."
And so it goes.


RELATED: The capricious & unknowable...

..."Will of Allah"...
Iraqi officials are saying that more than 50 people have been killed and dozens of others wounded during the annual Shi'ite pilgrimage to honor one of 12 revered Imams.
Yeah, sure... the Jews.

That's who we should really be afraid of.