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01 July 2010

So, apparently, the larger question here is... we just pay off everybody with a centuries-old grievance... or spend the money finishing up that time machine....

halls of macadamia/
"The children of those who paid the tax but did not live long enough to hear the apology received nothing and still feel left out, Sid Tan, head of the Head Tax Families Society of Canada."
In other "revisiting historical injustices" news... no word just yet... on exactly when the British Royal Family will start issuing compensation for the Highland Clearances.


RELATED: Tibet who?
“I think Canada must be an inclusive country that a black woman can step so high on the political stage. People of all skin colours can enjoy their life,” Liu said.
You mean... unlike in, say... China?

Here's a thought... how about we instead do something... about people who are being oppressed in the here and now.