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07 July 2010

Settle down... it could have been worse

Rumour has it... this guy just barely beat out Giselle... from TVO's "Reading Rangers"...
Ontario’s new top cop is a career Ontario Provincial Police officer who spent the past three years overseeing a long-running land-claim dispute in Caledonia, Ont.
Yeah, like that's a real jewel on anyone's resume... but, worse yet... he's proud of it...
Mr. Lewis told reporters the OPP’s handling of the sometimes volatile four-year native occupation of the former Douglas Creek Estates will not change once he becomes Commissioner. He also said he does not think he has inherited a problem.
I guess if you're inheriting this clusterfuck from, well... yourself... that's exactly what you'd have to say, huh?
“It’s a very peaceful community. There are people on the disputed land. We are not having any problems there.”
Yup... and as long as the cops keep running away like the French army... it'll stay that way.
"As testimony at a recent civil suit revealed, the most egregious lawlessness in the small town, where protesters from the nearby Six Nations reserve seized a former housing subdivision, occurred after a failed OPP raid in April of 2006 and during the early summer, when protesters barricaded roads, burned a bridge to the ground and destroyed a hydro transformer."
Another victory for Premier Dalton McSlippery.


"Nobody works... nobody gets hurt."
Oh Canada.