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31 July 2010

Remember when you were a kid...

...and engineering mass-murder was an event worthy of public, taxpayer-subsidised celebration?

-- Yeah... me neither. --
Shareef Abdelhaleem was found guilty earlier this year of two terrorism-related charges in connection with the Toronto 18 plot to bomb downtown Toronto. Following his conviction, Abdelhaleem told court if he ever learned of another terrorist plot, he would sit back and let it happen.

Now he is the leading character portrayed in Homegrown, one of the plays in this year’s lineup of Summerworks, a Toronto festival that has received almost $90,000 from all three levels of government within the last year including a $30,000 operating grant from the city-funded Toronto Arts Council, $24,500 in operating funding from the provincially funded Ontario Arts Council and $35,000 from federally funded Heritage Canada.

Homegrown itself received $6,000 from the city-supported Toronto Arts Council for a workshop.
Just something to think about, the next time you pull out that chequebook to pay your taxes.


RELATED: More pavilions at Folkfest...
Kevin Gaudet, of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation, said tax dollars shouldn’t be going towards a “terrorist love-in”.

“You want to put on a play? Fine. Hang up your shingle and ask people to pay for it ... and if it has to do with sympathetic portraits of terrorists who want to destroy my country, I won’t go.”

LAST WORD: It's about "culture", stupid