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02 July 2010

Politically correct CBC cheerleading...

...goes horribly wrong...
"The chief of the Squamish First Nation, Ian Campbell, said Wednesday that the well-known downtown park should be renamed Xwayxway — pronounced kwhy-kway — as it was known for thousands of years."
From the hundreds of comments...
THOUSANDS OF YEARS??? The First Nations have no written history. They'd have trouble proving what the place was called a couple of hundred years ago, let alone thousands.

Anyone who tosses off ridiculous and unsupportable claims like this has no claim to be taken seriously.

He should also return his STOLEN SCOTTISH NAME.
Over to you, Chief Ian.


RELATED: Shades of Kwaanza!!!
But before you rush to judgment in reclaiming the original native name, Haida Gwaii isn’t it either. It is a modern term invented in the 1970s as an alternative to the “colonial” name, and to recognize the Haida nation.

Haida Gwaii means “islands of the people”. The real original name was “Xaadala Gwayee”, or “Xhaaidlagha Gwaayaai”, meaning “islands on the Boundary of the world.”

In effect, the renaming to Haida Gwaii was the culmination of a thought experiment begun in the 1970s that meant to reject the colonial name, historic though it may be.
Yeah... I'm shocked.

Please... no more of this "oral history" bullshit... Christopher Pauchay couldn't even remember where he left his kids.