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06 July 2010

Paging Queers against Israeli Apartheid

I've gotta ask... are you guys/gals... and well, others... really sure you wanna die on this particular hill?
-- TEHRAN -- The Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance has published a guide to men's hairstyles. Short, neat hair is approved; ponytails are definitely not.

The styles are to be showcased in a "modesty and veil" conference later this month.
See folks, the stark reality here is... they're gunnin' for ponytails... I'm pretty sure they're gonna be even less enthusiastic about that "penis in another man's rectum" thing.

Seems to me, Israel's just about the only cowpoke in this particular pasture who's not stringin' up homosexuals from the nearest tree.

You might just wanna adjust your gunbelt here, hoss.


RELATED: How about an operation...

...that'll put points back on your IQ?


UPDATE: No problem... headline fixed
"If it saves just one (former) virgin then I say it is well worth it."
Posted by: Texas Canuck at July 6, 2010 12:31 PM