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28 July 2010

The other T.I.F.F.

The Toronto International Fugitive Featherbed...
Mohamed Abdi Mahad was captured by police after the suspect fled the U.K. following the bludgeoning murder of Mohammed Musa Mahoud, 22, a postal worker who had recently married.

Mooney said he doesn't believe the suspect was working.

He also believes the suspect has been in Canada since 2003, shortly after the murder, but Mooney said he had no information about what documents Mahad may have used to enter the country.
Ah, yes... welcome, once more, to David Miller's "no such thing as a bad boy" socialist paradise... where multiculturalism and taxpayer dollars salve all wounds.

And while we're on "taxpayer dollars"...
Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty says his province will not follow Saskatchewan's lead and fund clinical trials of a new procedure that could offer hope to people with multiple sclerosis.
Geez, Dalt... if only we had an extra 81 million dollars.