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05 July 2010

Okay Toronto... no need to panic...

I'm sure Dalton's precious, green wind energy will be kicking in... in three, two, one...
Power went out in Toronto at 4:45 Monday afternoon leaving the city – and its financial core – dark in the middle of a blistering heat wave.

Initial reports suggest the outage is reaching from the eastern suburb of Ajax to Yorkdale in the northwest.
Hello... hellooooo... anybody out there? I don't get it... we're way out ahead of this being a crisis, right?
"Investments of more than $8-billion in green energy projects unveiled by the Ontario government Thursday will add another $60 a year to hydro bills by 2012."
C'mon now... somebody turn on the lights.

RELATED: Hmmm, they all blacked out...

...down at the gamblin' shack?
"Premier Dalton McGuinty is defending an untendered, $81-million contract for an energy centre built to power a casino in Windsor."
Hey... whose riding is that anyway?


LAST WORD: Green, my hairy, pimpled arse
"We're burning a lot of coal to meet the demand for your ac this week. In fact, coal is the second largest supplier of electricity today after nuclear."
Oh... the huge manatee.