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11 July 2010

Not sure what impresses me more...

...Michael Ignatieff's impeccable sense of timing... or his plan to set himself up as Al Gore North...
"I’m not willing to do that and sacrifice the Pacific north coast, and I don’t think Albertans, when they think about it, want to do that either.”
Ah, yes... sacrificing the whole west coast of Canada... I knew that Stephen Harper was a diabolical, scheming bastard.

If only there was some special, sainted worldly figure who could bring us the wisdom of not living in the country for a decade or three.


"So Iffy comes to Calgary, charges $40.00 per head for a free pancake breakfast, brags up his Quebec made cowboy boots, channels Hugo Chavez by referring to the smell of sulphur coming off PMSH, calls Albertans sheep and opposes a pipeline to the northern B.C. coast."

"Good fucking thing he likes us."