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09 July 2010

Just watched CTV's Count Floyd...

...try to turn his retirement... next year... into some sort of media event...
halls of macadamia/Not sure what all the fuss is about... the only qualification for the job that I can discern... is an ability to read the teleprompter. This, in effect, means the job could be performed by the vast majority of grade school students.

I guess I've never understood the reasoning behind pretending Lloyd, or Lisa... or Peter... are some sort of erudite celebrities. And all those carefully scripted spontaneous conversations... what genius came up with that little stunt?

Most importantly, the stories... whatever they might actually be... are very rarely news...
"The big deal here is that, apparently, someone is counterfeiting Olympic geegaws."
I don't get it.


UPDATE: No surprise... "Dumb & Dumber"
"To follow in the footsteps of Lloyd Robertson is an enormous honour and extremely humbling," LaFlamme said as the announcement was made Friday.

"He is an institution, the very foundation that fair and honest journalism is built on."
Oh my gawd, Lisa... how many whiskies is it gonna take to get that taste outta your mouth.

On the other hand... maybe she actually believes it.

Interesting also to note that, on their website, this is CTV's big headline of the day.

Yup... Lisa Laflamme knows how to read too!