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13 July 2010

Just something to think about...

...the next time you're stranded in an Ontario hospital emergency room for six hours...
The actions of failed refugee claimant and accused murderer William Imona-Russel cost Ontario taxpayers more than $2 million — and one hard-working innocent woman her life.

The 36-year-old Nigerian was facing a deportation order at the time of his arrest. Imona-Russel, who came to Canada in 2003 on a false passport, was initially receiving funding from Legal Aid Ontario until he fired five different lawyers.

As a result, the court appointed counsel last fall and ordered the province to pay the legal bill to avoid a possible mistrial.

Two lawyers were named as friends of the court to assist with Imona-Russel’s defence at a total cost of $300 per hour.
Gotta have priorities, right Dalton?