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03 July 2010

Iggy Haskell

"Geez, Mrs Windsor... you're looking awfully swell today"...
Speaking with reporters afterward, Mr. Ignatieff said the two “laughed a lot” over the course of a half hour.

"Any time you get a chance to meet the Queen, you say yes right away. I’ve met her before. She has a wonderful sense of the absurd. You have to in her job because she sees a lot of amusing things happen."
Lemme see... dead Princess of Wales... husband with a roving eye... grandson playing Nazi dressup... Dutchess of York taking payoffs for media access... yes, Michael, that sounds like a barrel of monkeys to me.

The "sound-bite kid" strikes again.


RELATED: The "Lost Hope" Tour
After a rough year marked by persistently low poll numbers, the Liberal Leader has a lot riding on the usually slow-paced summer barbecue circuit.
Hey... he can tell his "my friend, the Queen of England" story.