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21 July 2010

Go ahead, Lloyd... gimme another one...

...of those inane non-stories about "unbearable stress" in the carpeted air-conditioned workplace... I dare you...

Brian Collier
He hadn't been in Afghanistan long, but Sapper Brian Collier had already earned a reputation as a competent combat engineer, survived a blast from an improvised explosive device and beat his injuries to return to duty.

Early Tuesday morning, the 24-year-old soldier was killed by another IED while on foot patrol in the Panjwai district.
Try getting your shit blown up... and returning to that workplace.

What kind of courage would that take?

Just don't ask a Canadian journalist... they're too busy screaming about what we used to... in my childhood... refer to as "the weather"... or poor little Lindsay Lohan.


"I live near a CF base. I am determined to go the extra few steps when I see a Canadian in uniform, shake their hand, look them straight in the eyes and say, 'Thank you for serving'."