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30 July 2010

Enough fiddling, says Sarkozy

Fresh on the heels of their "burqa ban"... the Empire continues to strike back...
-- PARIS, July 30 (Reuters) -- President Nicolas Sarkozy said on Friday he wanted to strip French nationality from anyone of foreign origin who threatened the life of a police officer, in a crackdown after riots shook two French towns this month.

Speaking in Grenoble, where street violence erupted in mid-July after a local man died fleeing police after allegedly holding up a casino, Sarkozy said he also wanted to increase prison sentences for violent crimes.
Perhaps the French are simply getting tired of their annual Car-B-Q season...
"French nationality should be stripped from anybody who has threatened the life of a police officer or anybody involved in public policing."
Pity the French allowed things to get this far... but you do what you gotta do.


"Why is it that McDonald's customers are better protected from an incompetent fry cook than law-abiding folks are from incompetent citizens?"