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09 July 2010

DATELINE: Pakistan - dozens murdered...

...must be Friday...
Near the attack site, officials had been distributing wheelchairs to disabled people and equipment to poor farmers, Amjad Ali Khan said. It was unclear how many participants in that event were among the victims.

Rasool Khan said 62 people died and 111 were wounded, making it the deadliest attack in Pakistan since a team of gunmen and suicide bombs stormed two mosques of the Ahmadi sect in the eastern city of Lahore, killing 97 people in late May.
Once again... the capricious & unknowable "Will of Allah."

Wake up folks... and smell the holy warriors.


UPDATE: Death toll keeps rising
The two suicide bombers who killed 102 people in this village didn't bother to discriminate among their victims.
One martyr is as good as the next, huh?