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27 July 2010

C'mon now, if Peter Mansbridge...

...publicly peed his compassionate, intellectual britches... that's good enough for me...
"I haven't gone through them myself, but I do know the news of Pakistan's divided loyalties left me profoundly unshaken."
You have to ask yourself... why exactly do the talking heads at CBC & CTV have to pretend these are shocking revelations?
By then – and this was four years ago, remember – Mr. Alexander told The Globe that formal Pakistani protests of innocence to the contrary, “the evidence [of the country’s involvement in Afghanistan] is overwhelming."

There’s no doubt. This is a dirty, costly, horrible war being waged in a country inured to death and corruption and hopelessness.

The truth is, no one who paid the slightest attention to the war in Afghanistan could be surprised by the latest WikiLeak.
Thank goodness for Christie Blatchford.