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19 June 2010

Those damn knuckle-draggin' neocon...

...wait a minute... this was the peaceniks?
-- OTTAWA -- Cops seized military-grade sniper ammo during the investigation into a trio of anarchists charged in the firebombing of a Glebe RBC branch.

A cache of 50-calibre and 7.62-calibre ammunition was discovered by police along with incendiary materials.
I wonder if CUPE or PSAC is gonna be kickin' in for a lawyer...
Clement is a retired public servant, whose last job was at the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA).
Or maybe they're just too busy defending the good ol' boys in Hamas.

No worries though... there's alway Legal Aid.


UPDATE 16:45: Not .50 cal after all
"Editor's Note: This story originally reported the Ottawa Police statement that 'sniper-style' ammunition had been seized. They have since corrected the statement, saying the 7.62 ammunition was stored in box with 50 caliber markings."
Well... that's a relief.