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01 June 2010

That damned bloodthirsty murderer...

...George W. Bu... wait a minute...
A statement posted on an Al Qaeda website said al-Yazid, who was described as the organization's top commander in Afghanistan, was killed along with his wife, three daughters, a grandchild and other men, women and children but did not say how or where.
Hope, change and... "kill 'em all, let Allah sort 'em out."

Just another side of the President McDreamy narrative you're not gonna see on CBC or CTV.


RELATED: There's sneaky, secret stuff...

...and there's standing up in public for what's right...
In the waters off Gaza, Hamas arranged a confrontation that was intended to break the Israeli blockade of war material.

NATO ally Turkey enabled and is now intensifying the confrontation. Now the US must decide: Will Hamas be allowed to blast itself out of isolation? Or will the US stand with Israel to enforce the disarmament of Hamas?
Okay McDreamy... time to choose.