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15 June 2010

Scratch a Liberal... find a...

...well, you know...
-- BRITISH COLUMBIA -- Premier Gordon Campbell’s chief of staff said Tuesday he could think of no good reason why Patrick Kinsella was hired as a well-paid consultant by BC Rail just four months after Mr. Kinsella co-chaired the Liberals’ successful election campaign in 2001.

“I would have asked ‘why?’ because I don’t know what value he would bring to BC Rail and the optics are not good. Unless there was a reason that was publicly explainable, certainly it wouldn’t be good optics.”

Documents released before the current trial began have disclosed that Mr. Kinsella, co-chair of the 2001 Liberal election campaign with former MLA Christy Clark, was paid $6,000-$7,000 a month by BC Rail for consulting work.
Nice work if you can get it, huh Gordo?