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27 June 2010

Protests? Activism?

Seriously? Hey, Peace Moonbeam... how about you pull out your dictionary and look up the word "riot"?

-- TORONTO -- With no apparent political message, the group’s members smashed windows, vandalized storefronts and burned police cars in their wake.
Here's a thought... next time your boss pisses you off... try smashing the plate glass in the lobby of your workplace... and setting fire to cars in the parking lot.

No big deal, right... it's just a protest.


"They probably don't HAVE bosses, Neo, because THIS is their job."

RELATED: And Marshall McLuhan wept...
"These anarchists are much more organized than people realize."
It's true... the medium is the moron.

Journalist Steve Paikin, host of TVO's The Agenda, said police were overly aggressive during the arrests.

"I can appreciate that the police were on edge today, after seeing four or five of their cruisers burned. but why such overreaction tonight?" he posted on his Twitter account.
As in Ottawa, law enforcement declined to enforce the law, the OPP remaining in the wings as thugs rushed the stage. “The police, I’m told, were urged not to intervene,” Paikin explained, “lest pictures of demonstrators being hauled off by the cops show up all over YouTube.”
Bias... what media bias?