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05 June 2010

In other "broad strata" news

lunchtimeNever mind sorry... it sounds like this guy wants to shout it from the rooftops...
“The defendant repeatedly told the police during the same videotaped interview that under these circumstances he had done the right thing by killing the deceased.”

He was so convinced he had every right to kill Amandeep he wanted police to tell the media it was justified because of “the imminent disgrace to his family name.”
But heck, never mind all that... thank goodness ol' Kamikar has his lawyer to straighten all of this out...
“He did something he deeply regrets,” said his lawyer, Maurice Mirosolin.

But asked if his client now understands there’s no place here for honour killing, Mirosolin could only say, “I’d rather not comment.”
Way to audible, Peyton.