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22 June 2010

Hey Hans... that "diversity" thing...'s that working out for ya?
decoy jews
-- "The city's police already use people posing as pensioners and gay men in an effort to catch muggers and gay-bashers." --
Geez... has anybody mentioned this to poor Helen Thomas?

Meanwhile... just down the road in Stinky Cheese Land...
Jacques: “Sacre bleu! You’re right, Alain. Well, no problem. We’ll just move it to Thursday.”

Alain: “Yes. That should be OK. Let me just first consult my Reuters Guide to Ominous Islamic Grievances and Forbidden Behaviour, Volume IV, chapter 37 … oh, no. Thursday is Indonesian Independence Day.”

RELATED: And Winston Churchill wept...
But it did happen and it will happen again. The longer Her Majesty's government allows riot and disorder to rule the street the more likely a second English civil war.
Our modern world.