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13 June 2010

Family values?

Hastings-Prince Edward County Liberal candidate Ken Cole has apparently walked away from the party...
Cole cited personal reasons in his decision to step aside. Cole, a father of two sons, said he wants to spend more time with his family.

"These decisions are personal," he said. "For me, family comes before country. At this time, with everything that's going on, I need to focus on my family."
Well... in todays hurry-hurry, gotta get mine world... that's a pretty damned admirable sentiment... wait a minute...
Cole said his decision gained more steam following his re-marriage and the birth of his now 10-month-old son.
Not to be a nitpicker here, Ken... but is there a reason the first family had to play second fiddle?


UPDATE: 20:37

It has just occured to me that... given the sometimes dubious standard of journalism at the Belleville Intelligencer... Mr Cole may have been done an injustice.

It is possible that, despite the use of the word "re-marriage" in the Intell article... that Ken Cole has simply renewed his vows. I await word from any local reader who knows what the actual story is here.