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23 June 2010

Did the Cold War ever really end?

We're so busy bending over backwards to acknowledge everybody else's cultural identities... we've started to lose sight of our own...
At least five countries are surreptitiously recruiting future political prospects in universities, he said. Middle East countries are also involved.

But China is the most aggressive, funding university clubs that are managed by people operating out of the embassy or consulates, Fadden said in a recent speech to Canadian police chiefs and security experts in Toronto.

UPDATE: Compassionate, intellectual left responds...
If Canada's national spy agency has any concerns about municipal politicians in B.C. being under the influence of foreign governments, it has not shared them with Vancouver Mayor (and former Dipper MLA) Gregor Robertson, his chief of staff said Wednesday.

"There has been no communication from any order of government or law enforcement agency about this."

"It seems preposterous and ludicrous," said Mike Magee.
Yup... nothing here but rainbows & unicorns... move along, folks.


UPDATE2: BC Liberals attack

The fact is though, this isn't about facts... it's about suckass political correctness...
Some insiders argue Mr. Fadden merely expressed – albeit more pointedly – what has worried CSIS for years. “I was surprised to hear his comments – not what he said, but that he said it,” said Robert Simmonds, past RCMP commissioner.
Which, unfortunately, too often carries the day in fuzzy-bunny Canuckistan.


I've just finished "The Mitrovkin Archive", which is a slim 700+ page tome (with another 100 of notes) that showed how well the Soviet Union infiltrated Western governments, media, universities, research institutes, etc.

It would be a shock if China wasn't doing likewise.