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14 June 2010

Another culturally appropriate solution?

Sure... let's ask Aqsa Parvez...
A Quebec judge has ordered a mother who allegedly stabbed her teenage daughter in the head and chest to undergo a psychological evaluation. The defence lawyer recommended the woman — a native of Afghanistan — be sent to hospital for a 30-day evaluation. Montreal police say the incident has all the hallmarks of a so-called honour crime.
Hang on a second... what was it that the CIC had to say about this stuff?
"I don't want the public to think that this is really an Islamic issue or an immigrant issue," said Mohamed Elmasry of the Canadian Islamic Congress. "It is a teenager issue."
Sorry, Mo... I'm gonna have to call bullshit. I can't speak for anyone else... but in my childhood home... the punishment for this sort of stuff usually didn't involve the death penalty.

"In my family we got grounded...not undergrounded."
Once again, we see the perils of "cultural relativism." 

BREAKING: Guilty plea in "honour killing"
In a stunning development, Aqsa Parvez’s father and youngest brother admitted on Tuesday they strangled her in her bedroom.
So much for Mo Elmasry's... "teenager issue."
The agreed upon statement of facts contains an interview with Aqsa's mother, Anwar Jan, who attempts to explain why the murder happened. In an interview with police, she says her husband told her he killed his youngest child because "this is my insult."
"My community will say, 'You have not been able to control your daughter.' This is my insult. She is making me naked."
Police asked if things would have been different if the family had stayed in Pakistan. "He would have killed her there too," she says.